Flood Information
We live beside the River Trent - don't wait for the river to rise before taking action - be prepared!
Follow the Environment Agency advice in the document below, register to receive alerts and have a plan ready to implement when forecasts predict high water.
The Parish Council Flood Warden is Murray Martin. If you feel that waters have risen to a level where sand bags are necessary please call 01636 823070 or 07939 856 499 and report the matter with an exact location so he can inspect and if necessary initiate distribution of sand bags.
The District Council provide the parish with a limited number of aqua sacs which are like sand bags but store flat and expand when they get wet. These will be issued from the village hall on a needs basis - ie those in most danger first. There is no legal requirement for any authority to provide such measures and supplies are limited so if you feel concerned about flooding, you are advised to obtain your own sand bags and store them away in case of flooding.
If you would like to be part of a team of residents that can be called when help is needed, please use the contact us form to give your contact details to the clerk who maintains a register of helpers. Help can range from
- checking on neighbours now and making sure they have a plan for if we get floods
- helping households prepare for floods by moving household items when warnings are issued
- reporting water levels to the flood warden
- distributing sand bags when called by the Warden
- helping residents to activate and position sand bags
- ensuring those affected have packed a bag of essentials like medication and contacts as well as a few clothes
- contacting relations when evacuation looks necessary
- making tea and providing some comforting conversation to those evacuated to the village hall whilst they await collection.
Help is voluntary and you will not have to do anything you don't want to so please register however you feel you could help.
Those with watercourses across their land are responsible for keeping them clear - this is known as riparian responsibilities. These water courses are crucial to keeping water flowing and reducing the risk of flooding. Please see the leaflet below for more information.
Following storm Babet and the evacuation of a number of residents, the County Council had to complete a section 19 report.
This identifies the areas impacted and to what extent. It then indicates the lead Authority for this area.
The lead Authority has to look at the likely cause and check that they met their statutory duties in maintaining the area and whether mitigation is necessary. Since the duties are a legal requirement it is likely they were met and for any mitigation there is a cost implication, it is therefore unlikely anything will result from this report in the short term.
The report can be found below.